Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Update 10/24/13

It's 12:18am. Sorry ^.^''''' I hope everyone's half day was nice and productive.

Senior Trip

Day: Friday, November 8th, 2013
Time: 6-10pm
Cost: $10.00
For more information, please contact any elected officers. ^.^    

Senior Final Project/Paper:

I apologize for the terrible arrangement of the papers. The format won't cooperate. Click on the images for a more readable version of Dr. Bailey's guidelines regarding the Senior Project. 

Your project must have at least 7-9 pages, double spaced. You have two weeks to think of a topic. 

On her site, as soon as I find it, has posted a list of topics ready to be scanned by students. *Remember your topic should be a question~ Any questions? Post a comment or consult Dr. Bailey. 

*** You also need at least 10 sources:
        ☐ At least one book resource
        ☐ Two interviews

                   Basketball season is coming. Let's cheer on some Griffins!!! ~  

                         Vocabulary is due on Thursday~ 

                                             Again, sorry for the lateness of some news~ 
                                                                  (For AP Lit)

            Do not forget the Parade of Horrors~

Seniors, it's our last year together, let's all get together and make this Parade of Horrors more memorable. 

Here are some ideas to get your creativity flowing~ Click on the links below for a tutorial. These short videos enables you to feel the spirit of Halloween. :)




Be creative and most importantly, have fun~

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Quick Update 10/23/13

I technically missed a day. Sorry, here is Vocab. #6 for AP Lit. students. I also might start adding English 4 vocabulary as soon as possible. Maybe for those of you guys who have English 4 can also challenge yourselves~

Remember vocabulary definitions and sentences are due on Thursdays!
And the test is the following Tuesday!
(for AP LIT students)

So far in the Getschooled competition we rank:


Next thing on the list:

Early dismissal on Wednesday, October 23. I'm sure you guys are probably aware of that. I would like to advise you guys to start your BINDER PROJECT for social science or AP Government. Right after school you could choose to buy the materials first then later on in the day or night, work on it like it was going to be due the following day. That way you can see what you can get done on under that amount of pressure. The actually due date November 12. However time flies, take advantage of this half day.

☑ Senior Portrait Week:

Don't forget that if you didn't sign up for a day, a day was already picked out for you. Please check on the auditorium door to see which day you were assigned. PLUS do not forget your $10.00 sitting fee. 

☑ Seniors also have a roller skating trip. I heard it was $10.00. I'll post more information on that as soon as possible. 

☑ South Philly Teen Orchard

If you are free on a Saturday, October 26, 2013, there is a FREE Fall Festival. FOR ALL AGES. 
It's from 3-6pm. At 4 pm, they are holding a costume contest! Check it out! I'll remind you guys through out the week~

Okay, that's it for now. 
I hope you guys have an awesome week~

Monday, October 21, 2013

Hey AP Gov and Social Science Students~

     So for the students that wasn't in class or was absent, I have instructions and the outline for the binder Research Project. This is also for those who might lose their copy of the project guideline.

Who Speaks With My Voice? Binder Research Project.

Required Materials:

Three Ring Binder  
Binder Tabs
Computer access


  • Front size: 12pt.
  • Front: Times New Roman or Arial 

Due Date:
Tuesday, November 12th.

There will be a deductions. Each day is 20% off. After Thursday, November 14th both Ms. Tuff and Mr. Pedone will not be accepting projects.

Another deduction is 50% for plagiarism.


City Council:
House Representative:

Research Project Guidelines:  

You guys can click on the images to view the text more clearly.

There was a W.I.S.E introductory meeting today~ 
Those who want to join please attend our next meeting on November 2nd
Our meetings will be held in Ms. Lee's classroom 
Women In Science & Engineering

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Quick Update! 10/20/13

    I'm sure some of you guys will not check on here on a regular basis. So while you guys are still looking and what the heck this blog is about I'm going to take this opportunity remind you guys some stuff!

Vocabulary #5 is updated! Please check it out and study well!~

Check-in! Play some games! Give a poll a try! Help your school be on top of their game! They  have nice prizes too! If we all pitch in, we can all make it #1!

Seniors if you hadn't already, please drop by common app and sign up. With this you can get some colleges or universities to waive those application fees good-bye! You can also keep up with your deadlines and send college essays right away!~ 

Check on Naviance on college representative updates or other information Ms. Donnelly put so much effort to put together for us. And MOST COLLEGES NEED A COUNSELOR'S RECOMMENDATION LETTER! PLEASE REMEMBER TO GIVE MS. DONNELLY A RESUME ON ACTIVITIES OR CLUBS YOU PARTICIPATED IN OVER YOUR HIGH SCHOOL YEARS!!!!!! Please take advantage of all that's being provided for you~

5) Hopefully I'm not missing an important link but lastly please enjoy your last year~ 

P.S. Baby pictures due October 29!!! DO NOT FORGET!!!! WE HAVE SENIOR PHOTOS THIS WEEK!!! 

Also keep in mind:

Class Dues + $10 (for Naviance) + $10.00 (for sitting fee for senior portraits) = $220.00 (so far)

Special thanks to those who donated blood! :) Hope you guys had fun at the Aids Walk for those who could make it!


    Hello fellow classmates, I find Facebook troublesome. I uploaded pictures of the AP Lit vocabulary however I find myself scrolling through endless crap some people post up. So I want to try to upload the words and homework up on this blog. I hope you guys find it helpful. This will also make me remember my assignments as well. I wonder how long I can keep this up. I will still go on Facebook but on a weekday basis is where I'll spend most of my time.

Here it is so far Vocabulary #1-5:

Well, that's it for now. You guys can comment or if you guys have any questions let me know. I also want to start putting my to use. I'm going to post up a link soon. 
For now, go study and good luck~