Sunday, October 20, 2013

Quick Update! 10/20/13

    I'm sure some of you guys will not check on here on a regular basis. So while you guys are still looking and what the heck this blog is about I'm going to take this opportunity remind you guys some stuff!

Vocabulary #5 is updated! Please check it out and study well!~

Check-in! Play some games! Give a poll a try! Help your school be on top of their game! They  have nice prizes too! If we all pitch in, we can all make it #1!

Seniors if you hadn't already, please drop by common app and sign up. With this you can get some colleges or universities to waive those application fees good-bye! You can also keep up with your deadlines and send college essays right away!~ 

Check on Naviance on college representative updates or other information Ms. Donnelly put so much effort to put together for us. And MOST COLLEGES NEED A COUNSELOR'S RECOMMENDATION LETTER! PLEASE REMEMBER TO GIVE MS. DONNELLY A RESUME ON ACTIVITIES OR CLUBS YOU PARTICIPATED IN OVER YOUR HIGH SCHOOL YEARS!!!!!! Please take advantage of all that's being provided for you~

5) Hopefully I'm not missing an important link but lastly please enjoy your last year~ 

P.S. Baby pictures due October 29!!! DO NOT FORGET!!!! WE HAVE SENIOR PHOTOS THIS WEEK!!! 

Also keep in mind:

Class Dues + $10 (for Naviance) + $10.00 (for sitting fee for senior portraits) = $220.00 (so far)

Special thanks to those who donated blood! :) Hope you guys had fun at the Aids Walk for those who could make it!

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