Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Update 10/24/13

It's 12:18am. Sorry ^.^''''' I hope everyone's half day was nice and productive.

Senior Trip

Day: Friday, November 8th, 2013
Time: 6-10pm
Cost: $10.00
For more information, please contact any elected officers. ^.^    

Senior Final Project/Paper:

I apologize for the terrible arrangement of the papers. The format won't cooperate. Click on the images for a more readable version of Dr. Bailey's guidelines regarding the Senior Project. 

Your project must have at least 7-9 pages, double spaced. You have two weeks to think of a topic. 

On her site, as soon as I find it, has posted a list of topics ready to be scanned by students. *Remember your topic should be a question~ Any questions? Post a comment or consult Dr. Bailey. 

*** You also need at least 10 sources:
        ☐ At least one book resource
        ☐ Two interviews

                   Basketball season is coming. Let's cheer on some Griffins!!! ~  

                         Vocabulary is due on Thursday~ 

                                             Again, sorry for the lateness of some news~ 
                                                                  (For AP Lit)

            Do not forget the Parade of Horrors~

Seniors, it's our last year together, let's all get together and make this Parade of Horrors more memorable. 

Here are some ideas to get your creativity flowing~ Click on the links below for a tutorial. These short videos enables you to feel the spirit of Halloween. :)




Be creative and most importantly, have fun~

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